Protect Your Home From Deadly Bacteria

— Kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria within the area!

Always best after deep cleaning service to complete the whole process 360 degrees cleaning. Best for killing germs and bacteria within the area. Bacteria which can cause you flu, asthma and allergies. It also takes away the foul odor and smell. The fumigation / curing takes an average of 15 minutes per car and about 20 minutes per standard size bedroom.

Our Anti-bacterial treatment is non-toxic and environmentally-safe. It has no harmful effect on humans and pets. Non toxic and environmentally-safe for humans, pets, babies, pregnant women and asthmatic people. You may even stay in the area during the curing time.


cars, bus, vans, trucks, planes, train, and taxis


bedrooms, toilets, living room and kitchen

Busy Bee Cleaning Co. (BBCleaning) recommends

Recommended every two months